Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Summer in the spring

Looking at the weather over the next few days, you can't help but feel that summer is on its way. That's always a little tough for me to take. I love the spring, the fall, and the winter in Louisiana, but the hot, humid summers have to be one of my least favorite things about living down here. For all you summer fans, in my defense, I'm originally from Pennsylvania. Growing up in northeast, I can remember actually begging my mom to let me wear shorts in May, despite the 60 degree temperatures. We actually had a rule in our house --- no shorts until it hits 70 degrees. In Louisiana, that could happen in almost any month --- in Pennsylvania you're lucky if it happens even once before June. So maybe this year as I'm attempting to handle the sweltering weather, I'll try to remember the freezing cold, wet winters up north and be thankful for a chance to wear my shorts, no matter the season.

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